It is amazing how much organization you can accomplish in your fabric closet when you have all your fabric pulled out - which I did looking for the right combo for the Log Cabin Quilt project. Now I can report that all my fabrics are neatly separated by color into their own wire baskets. Before I had them organized by "theme". I like color organization much better.
However, I am happy to say the blocks for my Log Cabin Table Runner are now complete. That is right - while putting these blocks together I thought how cool this would look in my kitchen as a table runner. Therefore, I cut the blocks to 8 each with a size of 10 1/2" x 10 1/2". I am still working on the arrangement, but hopefully pictures and a completed runner will be forthcoming soon.
Have a beautiful evening...from North Carolina,
I can't wait to see your Log Cabin. Did your blocks go together quickly for you? They seemed to just fly together for me. Please share your photos soon!